Friday, 21 December 2018

relationship between subjects

relationship between subjects

This is the blog where it has been discussing the mutual relationship between all subjects and the overall view and the importance of the learning all subjects.
relationship between subject

The mutual relationship between subjects:

“No subject is ever well understood and no art is intelligently practiced, if the light which the other studies are able to throw upon it is deliberately shut out.”RAMONT
In this discussion, first of all, we know what is a correlation? Then, we know what is the importance of the study of the topic.Atlast, we know about "Mutual relationship between subjects".


  1. Introduction
  2. What is correlation?
  3. Importance of the study
  4. Relation between language and mathematics
  5. Relation between mathematics and science
  6. Relation between science and geography
  7. Relation between geography and history
  8. Relation between history and language
  9. Conclusion.


The well-known philosopher Hilbert first introduced to the world about the idea of the mutual correlation of the teaching of various subjects or curriculum in educational purpose. On his view,
All knowledge  is one unit.
After many years, the philosopher Zillar emphasized this theory to get the ultimate view on the topics. Then, De Garmo and John Dewey gave the way how we can find the interrelation and integrates the various teaching subjects.
So, nowadays, correlating of the teaching of different subjects is considered highly essential. Knowledge is useful when it can be applied to day to day life and get the job of everyday life easier. On this view the mutual relationship of subjects with other subjects helps to know the ultimate knowledge, also it helps to solve the problems in everyday life as well as in education. It also helps to make the knowledge useful on board-based education and makes the knowledge useful.

What is correlation?

We all know that the term correlation used to define the connectedness or disconnectedness between the subjects. To define the correlation between some topic first we have to know all the main subjects and views about the topics. Then, we have to find the interconnection or disconnections of the topics.

Importance of the study of the topic:

The importance of the topic is as follows:
  1. Mind retrieves knowledge a whole.
  2. It helps to remind the old knowledge a is always link with old knowledge.
  3. knowledge can be useful by interrelating them as when we face a problem it gives many ways to solve. Thus it is easy to facing and difficult one.
  4. It helps a teacher to complete the curriculum in a short time period.
  5. It also makes the study very easy and funny way.
  6. it also helps to improve the mental abilities like imagination power, logical thinking etc.
  7. It helps to achieve the unity of knowledge and can develop the interests in every subject. etc. 

Relation between language and mathematics:

Mathematics is called the language of sciences.     
 It is possible to view the relations between mathematics and human natural language or literature from different aspects.
    Language is towards determining and perceiving the phenomenal relations, yet mathematics attempts to display abstract relations. Where mathematics deals with abstract concepts, it has formed a world unique to itself and a language consists of symbols and belonging to this world.
    Since natural language and mathematics are closely akin to one another.
Italian astronomer and physicist Galileo Galilei is attributed with the quote,
"Mathematics is the language in which God has written the universe."
Relation between mathematics and language

vocabulary, grammar, and syntax in Mathematics:

Mathematical expressions are written from left to right, even if the speaker's native language is written right to left or top to bottom.
vocabulary: The vocabulary of math draws from many different alphabets and includes symbols unique to math. A mathematical equation may be stated in words to form a sentence that has a noun and a verb, just like a sentence in a spoken an example,
This equation can be stated as," seven added to one is equal to eight".
Breaking this down,noun in math include:
  • Arabic numerals(6,7,8)
  • variables(x,y,z)
  • pi,omega,delta(𝚷,ɷ,𝜹)
  • infinity(∞)
  • expressions(√,∛,3x,5+x)
  • imaginary numbers(i,-i)
  • fraction(5/6,33/7)
  • Diagrams or visual elements (circle,angle,triangle,tensor,matrix)
Verbs include symbols:
  • Equalities  or inequalities (=,<,>)
  • Actions such as addition, substractions ,multiplication and division(+.-,✕,➗)
  • other operations(sin,cos,tan,sec)
     Mathematical grammar and syntax like vocabulary are interrelational. It does not matter what country you are from or what language you speak, the structure of mathematical language is the same.

Relation between mathematics and science:

In science:
  • The credibility of the idea is confirmed through the experiment.
  • If a new idea does not work in the lab then, we must reject the concept.
  • if a new idea does work in the lab then, we can accept it.

Relation between mathematics and science

In math:
  • In math, an idea can only be accepted when a formal proof has been constructed.
We know that Proofs are to math and experiments re to science. There is very most beautiful relation between mathematics and science. Science generally uses mathematics as a tool to describe in its proofs. A few scientists like Galileo and Albert Einstein believe that the laws of the universe are mathematical. The relationship between science and mathematics is very complicated as well as very simple. In fact, all scientific equations re-expressed into some form of mathematical equations. for example, the famous energy equivalence equations, E=m*c^2.
      To give a simple answer, mathematics is typically used in science to provide a model. for example,
Newton's gravitational theory was thrown into doubt when plotting the path of planet Pluto.

Relation between science and geography:

Both subjects build upon one another and give each other a deeper purpose. Consider the following example,
A group of physical scientists has a very good knowledge of earthquakes. They know how earthquakes form, spread etc. However, this knowledge is not useful unless it can be applied. Knowing the geography of an area affected by an earthquake can greatly improve the scientists' ability to gather data, predict events and help with evacuation and recovery.

Relation between geography and history:

    Relation between geography and history
  1. Geography is an areal science that deals with lands, oceans, atmosphere, people cultures and earth phenomena with reference to space and time.
  2. Where history gives the study about the past with the help of written documents and places.
  3. The relation between history and geography is especially close because they represent two fundamental dimensions of the same phenomenon."History views the human experience from the perspective of time, Geography forms the perspective of space."
  4. History deals with the people's way of life in the past and present. Geography attempts o understand how the presence of a physical feature in a place has influenced the people's way of life.

Relation between history and language:

Relation between history and language
Literature or language reflects the history, the words in use at the time and the style of the decade. Books about was often given inside accounts, like "A Farewell to Arms", reports the events of world war I.The Bible is a literary work with important history lessons; it also a history book with excellent literary qualities.
From the book 'Ved', we can know the attitude, tradition, and culture of old Aryas.


From the above discussion, we can see that every subject are interrelated or mutually dependent on each other. So, if we consider one subject for ultimate knowledge, then you have to know all the subject very clear. Also, by giving this topic demonstration, in the class, you can increase the students' interests in all subjects and they can understand all subjects in an easy way.

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