Sunday, 23 December 2018

nature of mathematics

Nature of Mathematics 

nature of mathematics
  • Introduction
  • What is Mathematics?
  • Definition
  • Mathematics in student's view
  • Material
  • Abstractness
  • Deductive logic
  • Searching for relation
  • Pattern
  • Validation
  • Drawing conclusion
  • Important sites of the topic
  • Overall View


nature of mathematics
"Mathematics is not only real, but it is the only reality"  
Martin Gardner
Mathematics is one of the most important topics in the school curriculum. So, There is a need for a clear idea about the nature and nature of mathematical calculations. Most of the teachers use mathematics as an instrument for solving problems related to science, trade, industry, history, and geography.
The internal structure of mathematics is based on arguments. The gradation of mathematical calculation involves two needs-a social demand related to daily living and the other is a biological demand which is also evidence of rational thinking. Mathematics is a subject from which the role of a unique instrument to comprehend the many sources, theorem and their application techniques, and to which knowledge is related to other.

What is mathematics?

According to Wikipedia, ”Mathematics (from Greek μάθημα máthēma, "knowledge, study, learning") includes the study of such topics as quantity, structure, space, and change.The word 'Mathema' means "teaching a thing." It is the teaching which is to learn, which we have to learn, which we give importance to learning in a natural way, that is, We can judge, analyze, argue, etc. These qualities are in mathematical calculation. With the help of some ancient countries, some countries were able to contribute their thinking to mathematics as they were able to love mathematics while emphasizing.
what is mathematics


As mathematics is a logical language, so, we cannot appropriately define mathematics. But, some of the philosophers and scientists tried to define that term as follows,
Popular most scient Locke defined as "Mathematics is a way to settle in the mind of children a habit of reasoning".
According to Benjamin Peirel, "Mathematics in the science that draws the necessary conclusion".
According to Marshal H. stone, "Mathematics is the study of abstract system built of abstract elements. These elements are not Described in concrete fashion".

Mathematics in students’ view:

We, students, think that mathematics is a very tough subject. As mathematics is full of number and theory, proof. So, We have to prove all the problems. Mathematics cannot take any decision without proof. Also, as math is full of theory then we have to remind all the theory to do the math. When we started math, the number and the theory mix up. So, we think that it is the most difficult subject in the school curriculum. As above we can see that,

  • The subject, mathematics is about the number.
  • There has to be a 'mathematical brain' or has not in a human.
  • Mathematics is very important.
  • But, mathematics Dulles us and it is boring.
  • It is not necessary.
  • There is no use in real life.


Like other subjects, mathematics build on some parts. Now, we find the parts of mathematics. When we wanted to do math First we have to read the problem. For this, we need the mathematical sounds like. Equal to, subtract, the square root of, multiply etc. In this process, we have to introduce some of the symbols. The symbol makes the math easier. We also require the formulas to do the math. To apply the formula, there must be a mathematical idea in your mind to do it. we also have to prove some theory in mathematics. This means the theory is also an important part in the subject. To solve a problem, there is some boundedness. They are called policy. They are must be followed to do it which implies policy is also important in mathematics. 
Clearly, an independent language of mathematics is present.

So,  the organizational components of mathematics are:

  • Mathematical sound
  • Formula
  • Theories
  • Policy
  • Symbol 
  • Mathematical idea


Mathematics is an abstract science. Although mathematics started with direct calculation and measurement efforts, as long as it is started to describe it is started to complicated. To understand the problem, we have to think imaginarily. There does not exist any perfect model or picture of it. It was not possible to publish the results of calculations and calculations in the picture. And mathematics did not become science until sign could be expressed to others. Each concept of mathematical ideas is abstract such as space, design, pattern, symbol etc. We can see that we do math like probability or geometry, we are drawing some types of abstract images. This is typically the only model to define the problems. It makes the problem easier to understand. In fact, when the thoughts related to space, there does not exist any limitation then it becomes endless. So, it is clear that mathematics has no limit of its thinking.


Deductive logic:

The main logic is defined on two component,'Yes' or 'No'. In real life, we going to argue on any discussion or problem, we need the logic. This logic can use to verify any formula or theory. Mathematics always need the proof. Without the proof, the theorem or the formula, all are meaningless. (As for example, we all know the great Indian Mathematician Ramanujan. When he is called by the Trinity College, Cambridge, he went the college to study the higher education. He also Tried to publish his theory in the mathematical journal. But when his professor G.H.Hardy saw his work, he appreciated his work. But, lack of the logic or proof, He thought like it is meaningless. He refused to publish it.)
Therefore, the main basis of mathematics is the introduction of arguments. We previously discussed the definition given by Ronald Brown. Clearly, the definition is directly related to the argument. In the subject based on agreement, the same thing has been said indirectly. In fact, there are some mathematical calculations through the process of reaching different conclusions from the axiom. Yes, this is right the result of the math remains the same in every way that you can do the mathematics.

"Mathematics is the mental activity which consists in one out of constructs."

deductive logic

Searching for Relations:

In the Oxford English Dictionary, the definition of mathematics is that mathematics is a science based on which spatial and numerical relations are determined and judged. Encyclopedia Britannica is defined math as the science of structure, layout, and relationship. The question of relations is a major issue everywhere. Whatever relation between the truth with the truth, amount with the amount, the place with the place, or the place with the amount, mathematics is the final decision. The different formulas, methods, and techniques of math are used to do it. 

For example, it can be said. Since the beginning of elementary mathematical education, the normal population form is 1, 2, 4. etc. It starts on the basis of a correlation of arithmetic progression, geometric progression), analytic geometry.


Mathematics has been considered as a science-related design. When we solve the problem in real analysis, geometry, LPP, we have to draw a picture that defines the problem. Not only patterns use to solve problems, but also the problem of the pattern can be solved by mathematics. Using probability and discrete mathematics,  we can solve any maze. Galileo also used the mathematics in his picture 'Monalisa' which can also consider as a pattern. Mathematics is also solving the pattern and maze of cosmos(cosmology).also of physics(like in circuit).A, b, c, d ... in such a number, a x c = b x d = c, then this relation is nothing but the design of variables. The most reliable way to express natural events is mathematics or mathematical models.


Brown treated mathematics is a science of accuracy in his definition. if anyone wants to write any object what he wants, that cannot agree in the subject.for each of sentence, you must have justification to note down it. Else it is considered as an error. so, the desire of a person is not affected by the desire to math.

On the basis of logical decision-making, mathematical models are the basis for the decision of sociology. It can be applied in our life. The basis of mathematics is another reason for mathematics.

'Mathematics is not only real, but it is the only reality.' — Martin Gardner

Drawing Conclusions:

Clearly, Mathematics is the subject that is not proved on the basis of unimportant evolutionary logic. The scientist Benjamin Pierce told that "mathematics is the science of decision-making".

The great Indian mathematician of the ancient century, Aryabhatta said that "Mathematical is the supreme decider of the selection."From this, we can understand easily that the essential use of mathematics is to draw your thought or logic on paper. Also, in this way, we can realize to other about our thought graphically. After all of the calculation to solve a question, we reach a conclusion or decision. The decision probability is most accurate because the scientists themselves are not sure about the exception of the scientific decision. This decision is proven through the argument of mathematical formulas, it can be said that there is no exception or biased to it.

That means Mathematics identifies itself as science to reach conclusions.

conclusion drawing

Important sites of the topic:

Thus, we can summarize the discussion in the points,
  • Mathematics is the science to apply the abstract thinking power of humans.
  • The science about enabling the decision in the conflicting environment is known as mathematics.
  • It is the science about numbers, symbol, dimensional size, speed etc.
  • Mathematics is the science of formulating various topics, time.
  • Based on the reflection of philosophical thinking, shaped development is the math.
  • The basis of mathematics is firm, uncorrupted, unbiased, no error.
  • There does not exist any place of a person's own felling.

Overall view:

The foundation of mathematics is firmly rooted by its accuracy, assurance, and its application. The importance of mathematics in the realization of science is undeniable. In addition to physical science, mathematics is being applied in augmentation and improvement of many other new science subjects including biology, geology, computer science. The role of mathematics gradually has expanded over many years to include many areas of application today. Based on the requirement the math is expanded in many subparts like networking, reasoning, cosmology, hydrostatics, biostatistics, ecological differential equations, behavioral sciences, systems analysis, operational research, linear programming, and model theory. etc. They are used in real life, industries, even in science like physics, chemistry. Then we can use math in any place as the problem solver. We also conclude that if we solve the real-life problem with math, then the difficulty of this subject can decrease and you can see the real beauty of mathematics.

'Mathematics is the door and key to the sciences.' — Roger Bacon

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-The Thinker