Branches of Mathematics
Mathematics is a core subject for science students. Nowadays, mathematics use in every way. So, we have to find the branches of it so that we get a clear vision about the subject and to study for higher education on BScmathematicss.
Top 10 branches on mathematics
"Mathematics is the art of giving the same name to the different things." -Henry Poincare
- Introduction
- What is mathematics?
- Arithmetic
- Geometry
- Trigonometry
- Mensuration
- Algebra
- Calculus
- Discrete
- Mathematical physics
- Probability and statistics
- Some other important parts
- Overall view
- Introduction: The importance of mathematical responsibility has proved effective since ancient times to the present. Right, when the math began its march, it was not enough, but at every stage of the era, scientific methodology refers to the process of finding, acquiring knowledge and correcting the knowledge of the past or the process of one-mangling. Through a scientific method, data gathering and project testing are included. In this way, we use mathematics. So, first of all, we know that what is mathematics and then we proceed to know the branches of mathematics. This will help us to know the subject as well as its expansion.
- What is mathematics? As we told we know that what is mathematics.According to Wikipedia,
- Arithmetic:
- Geometry:
- Mensuration:
- Algebra:
- Calculus:
- Discrete:
- Mathematical physics:
- Probability and statistics:
- Some other important parts:
- Overall view:
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